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From the first moment that mankind could communicate, we have been speaking in public. From the second moment we have been nervous about it.

Google ‘Public Speaking’ and a large proportion of results returned will be about the fear of Public Speaking, or glossophobia as it is technically called.

Check surveys about man’s greatest fears and Public Speaking routinely heads the bill, typically beating heights, ill-health and even death to the top spot.

Even Moses begged God not to send him back to Egypt. Sure he was apprehensive about Pharaoh’s wrath, and he wondered whether people would really follow him. But his biggest worry? Public Speaking!

O my lord I am not eloquent, neither before, nor since thou hast spoken to thy servant: but I am slow of speech and of slow tongue. {Moses in exodus 4:10}

Obviously! The fear of public speaking is No News, but not to worry.....

At our Public Speaking Academy/training, we train people to express and impress in multiple communication domains: Public Speaking, Debating, Inter-personal Skills, Interviews and National Examinations including Project Work (Oral Presentation). Our school- based as well as corporate training modules are customized to meet the expectations of our clients and partners. So are you a Company’s executive, Radio/TV presenter, Artiste, Actor/Actress, DJ, Community leader, Marketer, Government workers, Private worker, and Religious worker, here is a chance to improve and express yourself in public correctly.

We not only train, we also inculcate the Ethics and Principles of Public Speaking to individuals we train, these ethics when not adhered to can lead to a crime punishable by law.

Ethical communication yields positive outcomes such as truthfulness, respect and accuracy of information. Unethical communication on the other hand can lead to poor decision making or lack of respect for self and others and threaten the well-being of individuals and society.



Whether you are...

  • Progressing your career
  • Preparing for a Best Man Speech
  • Planning a keynote speech
  • Need to motivate your team
  • Or perfect that PowerPoint presentation
  • We're here to help you achieve success.
  • Pursue a career in the act of Speaking in Public (Religious, Goverment Worker, etc)

About Us

We don’t just teach groundbreaking methods, we ensure you experience a permanent shift in your Public Speaking skills. Our methods are fun, creative and build your existing and hidden strengths.

We are currently in affilation with the Rivers State University of Science & Technology in awarding professional Diploma Certificate in Public Speaking

What We Do

The Public Speaking Academy is a passionate organization dedicated to all spoken word, presentation and communication skills - enabling people from all walks of life to become confident and exciting speakers. Professional Coaches Our trainers are Professional Speakers and Coaches. Our approach is practical not lecture based, not only will we teach what is most relevant but do so in a creative positive environment. Resulting in sharp shifts in your confidence and speaking delivery.


How We Can Help You

Our training uniquely combines highly interactive small group work with coaching for your individual needs. As professional speakers we will model what works for you. You benefit from our experience without the associated challenges or time costs, transforming your ability quickly in a safe environment. Positive, Supportive Our courses are always held in a positive and supportive atmosphere - creating a team bias for you to succeed. You learn from tutors, other delegates and through self reflection during intense coaching sessions.


Saturday Lectures inclusive (but optional)

Fee: N40,000


Accommodation is optional (at 10,000 per month)


Visit Smart Don Entertainment or Call 08166438855, 07057360917 or Email to enquire about training schedules and availability. Enroll now


Call: 08166438855, 070573609147  or Email to make enquiries on training schedules and availability.

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